Journal of Medical and Surgical
Research (JMSR)


Pages: 660-662

Date of Publication: 30-Nov--0001

Colonic Adenomatous Polyposis: Diagnostic Difficulties and Therapeutic Implications in a Surgical Setting in Dakar

Author: Abdourahmane Ndong, Adja Coumba Diallo, Pape Mamadou Faye, Mamadou Ndiaye, Ahmed Diouf, Abdou Niasse, Magatte Faye, Jaafar Aboutalib Thiam, Ibrahima Souleymane Sitor Sarr, Yacine Seye, Mohamed Lamine

Category: JMSR Surgery

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Colonic adenomatous polyposis is defined by the presence of more than 100 polyps in the lumen of the colon or rectum. The risk of progression to a colorectal cancer is 100%. The relative rarity of this condition in sub-Saharan Africa explains the problems associated with its management. The aim of this study is to report the diagnostic difficulties and therapeutic implications of colonic adenomatous polyposis at in a surgical setting in Dakar. This is a descriptive retrospective study from January 2012 to December 2015 including patient with colonic adenomatous polyposis confirmed by colonoscopy and histology. In total, 4 patients were included in the study. The mean consultation time was 13.7 years ---PlusMinusSymbol--- 11.8. The mean age was 44.3 years ---PlusMinusSymbol--- 2.8. The sex ratio was 3. Due to their silent symptomatology, colonic adenomatous polyposis is most often found in our context at the stage of complications (metastatic cancer, occlusion, perforation peritonitis). Genetic tests essential for the diagnosis are unavailable in our context. This could explain the relative rarity of this condition in sub-Saharan Africa and the problems associated with its management. Improving the prognosis will necessarily involve the improvement of means both for diagnosis and treatment.

Keywords: Adenoma, Colon, Colonoscopy, Cancer, Polyps, Prophylactic colectomy


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