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      <JournalTitle>Journal of Medical and Surgical Research</JournalTitle>
      <Volume-Issue>Vol. X, n 3</Volume-Issue>
      <Season>March 2024</Season>
      <ArticleType>JMSR Public Health</ArticleType>
      <ArticleTitle>Characteristics, Roles and Factors Associated with Family Involvement in Care of Hospitalized Patients in a Lower-Middle Income Country’s University Hospital: An Observational Study</ArticleTitle>
          <FirstName>Cortney Hughes</FirstName>
      <Abstract>Background: The concept of patient- and family-centered care emphasizes the importance of including family members in the care of their hospitalized loved ones. Limited data are available on family involvement in care in non-Western countries. Objective: This study aimed to provide a comprehensive description of the roles of family members in care participation and identify patient-related factors associated with the presence of family members. Methods: A monocentric prospective cohort study was conducted in the Acute Assessment Unit of the Ibn Sina University Hospital in Rabat, Morocco, involving 370 consecutive patients and their 793 family members. Patients characteristics, informations regarding their family members, and details about the care they provided to their relatives were collected. Univariate and multivariate analyses were performed to explore the association between patient variables and the continuous presence of family members, defined as being with their loved ones during the day and then spending the night. Results: 30% of patients were over 65 years of age, and 57.3% were male. Nearly all patients (97.6%) were accompanied by at least one family member, with 52.4% being continuously present. The primary category of care provided by families was related to dependency. Patient variables independently associated with a higher frequency of continuous presence were female gender (OR = 1.81; 95% CI 1.04–3.14), a larger number of children (OR = 1.11; 95% CI 1.01–1.23), frailty (OR = 1.45; 95% CI 1.08–1.95), loss of autonomy (OR = 4.36; 95% CI 2.47–7.70), and severity (OR = 1.05; 95% CI 1.01–1.09). After adjusting for confounding factors, continuous presence of family members was not associated with unfavorable patient outcomes compared to non-continuous presence. Conclusion: In this Acute Assessment Unit, nearly all admitted patients had a family member accompanying them. Female patients, patients with multiple children, frail individuals, patients who had experienced a loss autonomy, and those with severe illness were more likely to have a continuous presence of family members throughout their hospitalization. The continuous presence of family members was not independently associated with unfavorable patient outcomes.</Abstract>
      <Keywords>Acute medicine, Africa, Family involvement in care, Patient- and family-centered care, Morocco</Keywords>
        <Abstract>https://journal-jmsr.net/ubijournal-v1copy/journals/abstract.php?article_id=15125&amp;title=Characteristics, Roles and Factors Associated with Family Involvement in Care of Hospitalized Patients in a Lower-Middle Income Country’s University Hospital: An Observational Study</Abstract>
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