Pages: 1268-1274
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Profile of Moroccan Patients with Major Lower Limb Amputation: A Review of 296 Cases
Author: Mohammed Elaatmani, Hicham Essaffani, Aziz Ahizoune, Ahlam Aitouma, Amine El Maqrout, Mohamed Kharmaz, Redouane Abouqal, Khalid Abidi
Category: JMSR Patient Care
Background: Determine the epidemiological characteristics of patients with major lower limb amputations and compare the results with published data. Methods: A retrospective study was conducted from a chart review of patients with major lower limb amputations over a three-year period from September 2017 to September 2020. Results: 274 patients with 296 major lower limb amputations of which 22 (8%) patients had contralateral limb amputations. 286 (96%) of major lower limb amputations were unilateral and 148 (50%) concerned the right limb. Transtibial and transfemoral amputations were 151 (51%) and 148 (46.6%) respectively. The mean age of the amputated patients was 63 ±15 years. The majority of patients were male with a sex ratio of 2.2. 157 (57%) patients are diabetics, 96 (35%) are hypertensive and 84 (30.7%) are active smokers. Diabetes was the main cause of amputation with 56.4%, followed by obliterative arteriopathy of the lower limbs with a percentage of 25.3%. Postoperative complications were observed in 138 (47.4%) patients, of which stump infection represented 41.2%. The average length of hospital stay was 16 days [6, 21]. The in-hospital mortality rate was 6.9% (19 patients). The cause of mortality was mainly due to complications of comorbidity or infection. Conclusion: the major amputation of the lower limb concerned male patients aged 63 ± 15 years who had at least one poorly treated comorbidity. Diabetes and hypertension were the most common comorbidities in our results. Transtibial amputation of the right side was the most frequent due to the complication of diabetic foot.
Keywords: Major amputation, Lower limb, Diabetic foot, Infection, Reamputation, Morocco
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