Conservative Surgery for the Management of a Mandibular Simple Bone Cyst: A Case Report.
Author: El Khammal Houda, Soukayna Bahbah, Hakima Chhoul
Category: JMSR Dentistry
Simple Bone Cyst (SBC) is an intraosseous cyst with no epithelial lining. It usually occurs during the second decade of life. Commonly, the SBC is asymptomatic and discovered incidentally during a radiological examination. The X-ray exam shows a radiolucent, with a well-defined margin and without cortical expansion. This aspect allows for providing the diagnosis. Surgical limited exploration is the treatment of choice for this lesion, especially in young patients. The diagnosis is confirmed by the presence of a cavity empty or filled with a sero-hematic liquid. We report, in this paper, the case of a 14-years-old teenager who presented an asymptomatic radiolucent unilocular image apical to mandibular right canine, first premolar and second premolar, discovered incidentally and managed by minimal explorative surgery. Twenty months of follow-up control shows a complete cure of the cyst.
Keywords: conservative surgery, mandible, simple bone cyst, traumatic bone cyst.
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