Pages: 154-156
Date of Publication: 30-Nov--0001
Diffuse Lipomatosis of the Thyroid Gland: Report of Two Cases and Review of The Literature of a Curious Entity
Author: M. Allaoui, M. Capovilla, JJ. Michels
Category: JMSR Pathology
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Aim: Study of the incidence of diffuse lipomatous infiltration of the thyroid gland. Patients and methods: 320 cases of thyroid pathology representing one year of activity of the pathology department, were reviewed by the authors. Results: We observed 2 cases of lipomatous infiltration of the thyroid gland, the princeps case showed mature adipose tissue scattered between the thyroid follicles, occupying approximately 40% of the thyroid gland, and only one other case upon review of the 320 thyroid glands registered in our pathology department this year, with about 5 to 10% of adipose tissue. We found randomly distributed adipocytes in subcapsular location in 59 cases (18.5%), with 24 cases (7.5 %) with more than 1% and 35 cases (11%) with less than 1% of adipocytes. We noticed also the presence of one adenolipoma.
Keywords: Diffuse lipomatosis, thyrolipomatosis, thyroid gland.