Pages: 135-137
Date of Publication: 30-Nov--0001
Intracardiac Askin Tumor: an Unusual Form of Presentation
Author: R. Stiha, Z. Lakhal, A. Amine, R. Khmamouche, M. Ichou, M. Raissouni, A. Benyass
Category: JMSR Cardiovascular Disease
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Askin tumor is a rare peripheral neuro-ectodermal tumor from the Ewing sarcoma family, developing in the soft tissue of the chest wall. Presenting in childhood and adolescence, females are affected more commonly. Askin Tumor is an aggressive malignant tumor, its diagnosis is established by radiology, and confirmed by histology.
We report the case of a 23 year-old patient, presented with 3 month history of swelling right side of chest, unexplained fever, dry cough, progressive shortness of breath and general malaise. Thoracic-abdominal-pelvic computed tomography revealed an Ewing__ampersandsign#39;s sarcoma with an intrathoracic component, confirmed by histology.
Askin tumor is a rare disease, an intracardiac location is even rarer.Thus, a systematic resting thransthoracic echocardiography must be realized whenever a diagnosis of Askin tumor is carried.
Keywords: Askin tumor, Ewing sarcoma, Intracardiac Location, Transthoracic Echocardiography