Journal of Medical and Surgical
Research (JMSR)


Pages: 29-29

Date of Publication: 30-Nov--0001

Journal of Medical and Surgical Research (JMSR): a Call for Research!

Author: Pr Lahcen Daoudi (Minister of Higher Education, Scientific Research and Executive Training)

Category: Editorial

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Journal of Medical and Surgical Research (JMSR) arrives on time to enhance our scientific information space. Indeed, it has appeared in the medical media landscape at a time when Morocco aspires to improve its scientific production. This new English medical journal will certainly improve our involvement in the international research networks, and reposition the Moroccan University. The examination of its content gives a clear idea about its editorial line, at the intersection of fundamental and clinical sciences. This continuum between fundamental and clinical aspects is the reason why medical sciences are a productive field. Many topics are addressed by our researchers through good quality technical platforms, namely in the fields of genomics and neurosciences, as examples...........

Keywords: Journal, Medical, Surgical , Research

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Pr Daoudi Lahcen

Minister of Higher Education Scientific Research and Executive Training. Morocco

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Journal of Medical and Surgical Research (JMSR) arrives on time to enhance our scientific information space. Indeed, it has appeared in the medical media landscape at a time when Morocco aspires to improve its scientific production. This new English medical journal will certainly improve our involvement in the international

research networks, and reposition the Moroccan University.

The examination of its content gives a clear idea about its editorial line, at the intersection of fundamental and clinical sciences. This continuum between fundamental and clinical aspects is the reason why medical sciences are a productive field.

Many topics are addressed by our researchers through good quality technical platforms, namely in the fields of genomics and neurosciences, as examples. In this regard, and as Minister of Higher Education, Scientific Research and Executive Training, I take the opportunity offered to me, to encourage our research actors to climb to the front of science and participate in academic debates, in real time, because the hope of discovery and innovation lies at these levels.

If health research is motivated by the need of knowledge, it should also respond to societal concerns since the socio-economic level of a country is directly correlated with its research efforts. The dynamism of our graduate schools would certainly converge with the efforts undertaken by our department, both in terms of system restructuring and in terms of funding, in order to further boost the quality and the performance of our scientific

production. Moreover, scientific journals have been using evaluation systems based on bibiliometric models allowing a better visibility to our articles. The JMSR should therefore work, for this purpose in accordance with the ethics and values such as rigor, objectivity, originality and even inventiveness that are the guarantee of an international presence. I hope that this initiative will allow Morocco to achieve the status it deserves in the knowledge society.

Finally, I would like to wish this Journal staff the best of luck!