Pages: 1204-1209
Date of Publication: 30-Nov--0001
ComparisonBetween AgNOR, DPAS and PAP Stains In Improving Accuracy of Fine Needle Aspiration For The Detection Of Breast Cancer In Sudanese Population
Author: Tagwa Mohamed Ahmed Fadil, May Fadallah Almana Salih, Alkhair Abd Almahmoud Idris
Category: JMSR Pathology
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Background: Breast cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer in women worldwide. This study aims to To compare between AgNOR and DPAS and PAP techniques in improve fine needle aspiration for detection of breast cancer in a context of limited resources. Methods: This study was carried out among Sudanese women in Khartoum State, aged between 35-50 years and presented with breast lumps. Fine needle aspiration was used for collecting samples of the breast from 50 women to prepare smears. For each woman three samples were taken and one was stained using AgNOR, a second by PAP and the third with DPAS. Results: Quality of the stain showed significant differences (p< 0.05) between AgNOR and PAP in one hand and DPAS in the other hand. No significant difference was found in the quality of stain between AgNOR and PAP. Conclusions: AgNOR and PAP stains showed higher quality than DPAS. Accordingly, AgNOR and PAP stains seems to be good indicators and markers for breast cancer.
Keywords: AgNOR, PAP , DPAS, breast, Sudan, FNA, Cancer