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Long-Term Results of Percutaneous Management of Liver Hydatid Cysts: - Experience of a University Hospital in Endemic Region
Author: Younes Cherradi, Rajaa Afifi, Wafaa Khannoussi, Mohammed Firwana, Anass Rahaoui, Mustapha Benazzouz
Category: JMSR Gastroenterology
Background and objective: Surgery was considered for years the standard treatment for all stages of liver hydatid cysts (LHC). Percutaneous treatment has becomes a fast, reliable and more efficient method in selected cases. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the effectiveness of percutaneous treatment of LHC on the basis of our department long-term results.
Patients and Methods: This study includes all patients who benefited from percutaneous treatment for LHC from December 1998 to April 2012. Puncture aspiration, injection, and re-aspiration (PAIR) were used for hydatid cysts smaller than 6 cm. Larger cysts, infected cysts and those with biliary fistula were treated by puncture associated to drainage (PA-PD). Absolute alcohol was used as sclerosing agent. Reduction of the size of the cyst more than 50%, pseudo-tumour echo pattern and disappearance of the cyst at the follow-up were retained as criteria of treatment efficacy.
Results: Two hundred thirty patients (136 female and 94 male; mean age: 35 years old) with 278 LHC underwent percutaneous treatment. Mean initial cyst diameter was 76.8 mm [20-180 mm]. According to Gharbi's classification, types I and II LHC accounted for 74% and 25% respectively. Fourteen patients (6%) presented with an infected cavity and 27 patients (12%) had a biliary fistula at diagnosis (12%). PA-PD was initially performedin 23 patients. No mortality, abdominal dissemination, or tract seeding occurred. Minor complications like urticaria, cutaneous rash and fever were reported in 24 patients (10%). One case of anaphylactic shock was reported with good evolution. Mean hospitalization time was 3 days ± 1.5 for uncomplicated cases and 16.5 days± 4.2 for complicated cases. 229 out of 230 patients were cured, whereas one recurrence has been reported.
Conclusion: Percutaneous treatmentis efficient and safe and offers complete cure in selected patients with the advantage of short hospitalization.
Keywords: Drainage, Hydatid Cyst, Liver, Morocco, Percutaneous Puncture, Ultrasound (US)
DOI: 10.46327/msrjg.1.000000000000077
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