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JOURNAL OF MEDICAL AND SURGICAL RESEARCH - Vol. II, n 3 (Special Issue), February, 2016 (1st Int. Day for W.G.S)

Pages: 176-176
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Congratulatory Letter

Author: H. E. Charles E. Schumer (Senator of New York- USA)

Category: Sp Iss: Medical Health Professions in Morocco


Dear Friends,

Please accept my warmest greetings and sincerest congratulations as you gather at the United Nations for the Royal Academy of Science International Trust's commemoration of the 1st Annual International Day of Women and Girls in Science. I am honored to have the opportunity to recognize the Royal Academy's initiative, commitment and hard work that led the Permanent Mission of Malta to the UN to facilitate the negotiations that led to the adoption of the Day by the entire UN General Assembly. The Royal Academy's leadership and staff have made this exciting, inspirational and eventful commemoration possible.....

Keywords: Annual, International Day of Women and Girls in Science, RASIT.